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Saturday, November 18, 2006


I guess I never specified that this had to be art I did with a pencil and paper. Sometimes art happens in real life. Sometimes it happens with the touch pad of a laptop. But not often.


Last winter I did a "public sculpture" exhibition in my parents' back yard. Everyone who went to the sculpture garden (parents, mailman) was impressed that I'd managed to make that many snowmen worship my Ford Escort in under an hour.


Mid-Winter Raft Jumping is, if done well, an art.


Trees are good subjects. I've always had good luck with trees.

I could think of things I'd never thought before

Production on the music video has pretty much screeched to a dead halt as it seems my new favorite past time is going to job interviews at University of California campuses. Starting Monday my new favorite past time will be apartment hunting and moving. So there's that.

In other news, what if The Wizard of Oz had an all-hamster cast?

bathroom floor

One day, Bret's roommate Wade came home to find me sitting on the toilet (lid down, pants up, door open, lights on) staring intently at the floor with a sketchpad on my knee. "Can't look up... will... lose... bird..." I told him, left leg stretched to capacity, big toe pointing fiercely at a yellow, blobby pattern on the floor. Wade backed away slowly.

You know how sometimes you see faces or shapes in clouds or tile patterns or Gorbachev's birth marks?

Me too.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

hastily tossed-together one sheet

I am doing the animation for a music video, and this is the mockup of a hastily thrown together one sheet. The video takes zombies and pirates, puts them into a blender of music, and serves up a smoothie of goodness. Trust me.

oh dear

Then again, some things don't always go according to plan.


The southern leopard frog agreed to join his friend's book club, but only on the agreed-upon condition that the club was never to read The Wind in the Willows, which the southern leopard frog found "facile."

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Old biddies

I have a friend, and I'll call her Tiffany. Tiffany and I have a plan for when we're old and widowed, and it involves us living together peacefully. I'm pretty sure it'll look something like this:

Yes, I still plan to wear flip flops when I'm old. I also apparently plan to look as much as humanly possible like my Grandma Amborn.

At Adam's insistence

Adam insists that I use this blog not for dead air, but rather for posting art.

Very well. But just remember, you brought this on yourself.

There is, of course, a story here. I just think it's more amusing if you don't know the backstory.