The festival organizers want the filmmakers to come to New York if they're able, but because it's right when Bret and I will be moving to Minnesota (plus they're showing my film on a Thursday, the buggers) and starting my new job, I can't go. Sad! It would be a great opportunity, but if anything comes of it I guess I'll find out, erm, via email.
If you haven't seen it, "Creation" is available on my website,
The festival's website can be found here:
and if you click on the "This Year" link you'll find descriptions of the films being played and biographies about the film makers. Very cool! Very exciting!
Yay, Emy!! =) That's so cool that your film's being shown...=) My film is up on my art blog flash film and art are soon to be there, too...Hope it's all good!
yayyyy emyyyyyy!!!!
Congratulations Emy!
Remember, I bought one of your t-shirts back when you were just another enormously talented starving film student.
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